Over the last few months, the market for unofficial arcade-style BEMANI controllers has experienced a massive growth in size and scale unlike anything seen before. It evolved from a private business conducted quietly and between only a few, select people, into something that could almost be called a full-fledged consumer market – and just today, that market experienced its first proper takeover.
A group of individuals calling themselves VIRGOO has, according to their facebook page, aquired the still relatively new japanese company Rainbow Controllers Japan. They claim to be “hardcore players” from China who aim to produce the best possible controllers and distribute around the entire world. As the new manifacturers of the Rainbow line of Controllers, they are planning to work on new ASC designs and solutions together with the old team, who will continue to be involved in the design process.
As of now, the exact structure of the new group is unknown, but their facebook posts promise that there is more info to follow. The official VIRGOO site is slated to go live within the next few days, together with release plans for their new line of SOUND VOLTEX and IIDX controllers.
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